
Tuesday 3 April 2012

Week 5: Sound

The radio is a medium that I use mainly to listen to music. Occaisionly the odd program like Tripple J's Hack is great to listen to but I never seem to be listening to any type of talk back radio at all. I don't know if this is my generation or just how I have grown up but I really only use radio for music. I know there are stations out there that offer so much more but I don't take advantage of it. Nor have I ever been tempted to call up to talk or to request a song, even when Rosie Beaton was hosting Super Request. But this doesn't mean that I wouldn't listen to what other people have to say. It would really depend on the topic and on the person being interviewed. And I can't even listen to commercial radio as there are far too many adds and not enough music and then the music they play I can't stand listening to. Pop music is awful (unless it's Lady Gaga. for some reason I have a soft spot for her).
But, instead of going on a rant about how I don't enjoy commercial radio and their music (or on any more of a rant than I  have just gone on) I shall say that the two men, Richard Fidler and Steve Austin, that Carmel interviewed had very nice voices to listen to.

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