
Friday 27 April 2012

Nerd Fest

The SupaNova. The closest thing Australia has to Comicon in the States.
This weekend, the Gold Coast held its first Supa Nova, this was also my first Supa Nova. My brother has been going for years and loves it. He loves it so much that it is now to the point where he dresses up for it and for some reason I agreed to dress up as the character he wanted me to. But who am I kidding, sounding like I hated it and that I was forced to do it. I loved it. I don't think I would have had the same experience if I hadn't of dressed up. It was brilliant. I dressed up as one of the characters from the computer game Team Fortress called Pyro. To be honest, I don't play computer games and didn't really know the character at all. My Nerd speciality is more things like, Dr Who, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly and Serenity, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and that sort of thing. My brother just had the costume and really wanted someone to wear it so I stepped up and agreed. He had even gone so far as to make the (not a working model) flame thrower that the character has.

When I got there, there wasn't even time to feel silly because almost everyone is dressed up and you almost feel like the odd one out if you don't dress up. Everyone kept stopping us and taking photos and every other person kept yelling out "Spy check!". I didn't have a clue what that meant. I was so confused. I had to get my brother to give me a run down so that I could stop giving these 'yelling out people' weird, confused looks. He told me that in the game, Pyro is only able to set fire to enemies and not team mates, so if there is a spy dressed up as a blue when he is a red or vise versa, then he can catch on fire and that is what the spy check thing meant. That helped a lot. I even got to be filmed for someone's video blog. I felt so special.
Some of the costumes are amazing and you can just tell that so much work has gone into them. The attention to detail and the length that some people go to is just astounding. i couldn't believe it. And there are also little kids whose parents have dressed them up like little Chewies or little Bobba Fetts or the like and its just so cute! The whole place is so crowded though. There are so many people and so much to look at that you can occaisionally feel a little like a sardine in a sardine can but it's all worth it.

This year that had quite a good line up of guests. They had Richard Horvitz the voice of Zim from Invader Zim and Daggett from Angry Beavers. He was hilarious. He kept slipping in and out of the voices and then started singing musicals like Wicked (my favourite) in the characters' voices. Hilarious. If you don't believe me then watch this.

And they also had the actress from my favourite show Firefly, Summer Glau who plays River (they also had Morena Baccarin who plays Inara from Firefly but she didn't talk the day I was there). Summer was great. She seems like such a lovely person and has a real respect from her fans (one lady even bought her Tim Tams...). I even got to ask her a question (I was freaking out quite a bit and my hands were shaking a little) "What was it like working with two of the greatest men ever, Joss Whedon and Nathan Fillion?"
They really are great, I mean have you seen the new Avengers movie?

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