
Wednesday 25 April 2012

Tri - whywouldyoueverwanttodothisbychoice - athlons

Triathlons are really tiring. Why does one put themselves in that type of physical pain out of choice? And why would you do that type of exercise for enjoyment? At what point do you say to yourself, doing three types of really long and really tiring exercises is what I want to do with my life? Why would that be your choice of sport out of all the sports the world has to offer? And why would you want your kid doing that?
These are all the questions that I asked myself when I turned up to the Gold Coast Triathlon (very) early on Sunday morning. My friend was really interested in doing a triathlon and somehow convinced me it was an awesome idea and for some unknown reason I had agreed to do the swim leg as part of a team competition. I got really excited and started going to the pool every now and then, training up as you do (although my training didn't start until about a week before the actual event). Then it came to Sunday morning and gettting up at 5.30am. I looked outside and it was still dark and sitting on the bed in the hotel room all I could think of was, "How did I get into this situation?" I got up, put on my togs and packed my towel and goggles. I was set, although I had forgotten to bring sporty clothing. All I had was denim shorts, and my campers for shoes. I didn't even remember to bring my runners.
So walking down to the event was pretty hilarious. All I could think of was that I completely did not fit in and that I stuck out like a sore thumb "People must be looking at me and they can tell that I don't fit in here. They can tell that beneath this hoodie I am not as fit as they as. Its like how animals can smell fear. These people can smell that I don't do triathalons. They can tell that I don't take it seriously, them in their professional looking gear, with their million dollar bikes and shoes and all their muscles."
Really I was just being a drama queen. No one cared. They weren't interested in me, why would they be?
There were quite a few people that hadn't done them before and a few people that were in it just to complete it. So with my cap and my goggles, I got into that water and swam my heart out. Only to find out that I had swam in the wrong race and my race wasn't for another hour. Also this race was only 300m no the 700m I actually had to do. No wonder it had seemed so easy and so fast. No wonder I was leaving people behind. It was only the enticers race which was half of what my friend and I were doing. We looked at each other and we knew we were thinking the exact same thing. Why hadn't we entered into the enticers race? Well I had had a nice little warm up regardless.
So an hour later, with a different coloured cap, I entered the water again, this time for real. My arms hurt, my lungs were buring a little from sucking in the air, my legs had a mind of their own, whether they were kicking or not I can't even remember, but swim I did. And not only did I make it but I didn't come last. I had actually taken over a few people after I had found my rhythm and settled into a good steady (for me) pace. Not only that, I had taken over a few people from the races before mine (the races left every few minutes so it maybe wasn't that much a big deal but still). So I was out of the water and running toward where my friend was standing with the bike. I got there and had to take the time band thing off (its a thing they give you to record the time you complete the triathlon in) to give it to my friend. My hands were shaking but I managed to put it around her ankle and velcro it on properly. Then off she went. She did both the bike leg (20km) and the running leg (5km). I don't knokw how she did it after only doing training for it twice but we completed it. It was actually quite a good feeling completing it. (I think next time -if there is ever a next time- I would like to try to do all three but definitely at an enticer level.)
And we didn't come last so that is a win for me. On the way home we treated ourselves to a bit of S-Club 7 in the car. A well deserved treat.

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