
Wednesday 18 April 2012

LNP staffer quits after anti-feminist rant

I found this article (LNP staffer quits after anti-feminist rant) on the Brisbane Times website this morning and I could not believe what I was reading. Now, my political knowledge may be limited, but all I can say is that I knew I didn't like the coalition. If this is what the members of their party are like then Queensland is screwed. If the Federal election in the all too near future has the same results as the Queensland election, as it looks like it is going to, then I think I will have to get out of Australia, study abroad or something until the Australian public comes to their senses and sees that the Liberal National Party is not the way to go.
I cannot believe that this Max Tomlinson can possibly, in this day and age, view women like this, especailly seeing as we have a female Prime Minister at the moment. Such disrespect for women is ridiculous. I just couldn't believe it. LNP didn't have my vote before and they definitely don't have it now.

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