
Thursday 17 May 2012

Utter Crap

I don't know why, but I went and saw The Lucky One the other night. Oh dear. Boy, was that a mistake. I don't like these chick flick type of movies anyway but something possessed me to go and see it. It could have been my friend that loves it and has seen it three times now...This genre is so very cliched and this one was awful.

It wasn't even that the acting was bad. The performances were fine. Each actor did a pretty good job and they were fairly convincing so that was fine and it's not the cinematography. That was quite pretty. Some shots were really nice and the place they were at was very picturesque. The editing was a little dodgy at times with bad or just out of place cuts but overall it was okay. It's just the storyline. I mean seriously. Who writes this crap. It's kind of insulting. All the plot twists are predictable as they are in any movie like this but even when you don't see something coming it's just a stupid plot twist. A surprise death of a character..I don't think people die that easily. It just didn't make much sense. The poor kid will have some emotional scars because of that but they just gloss over it and don't even mention again after is happens, all is just good again. (There is a pretty hot shower scene though.)And all that bull crap about fate. Come on, give me a break.

Plus the characters are messed up. The main woman's brother is a marine and is killed whilst in Iraq or Afghanistan (can't remember where exactly) and then this other marine comes along who is exactly like her brother and of course she falls for him. It's like she is fulfilling some weird sexual fantasy. That ain't right.
The best character is the young boy. He is awesome. He kicks ass at chess, plays the violin and has some killer dance moves. Oh and the dog, the German Shepherd called Zeus. That is one cool dog.
Also, I can't quite seem to adjust to seeing Zac Efron in this serious, army role. He just doesn't quite fit in my opinion. Although he has beefed up, it still doesn't fit. You just think of the guy that sings and dances. And dance he can. In my head he should just be singing about Highschool or Hairspray...

I'm not even going to tell you the plot because it's insulting and everybody already knows whats going to happen, so is there even any point?

And that just about sums it up.

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