According to (lady gaga launches her own protest in the philippines and could now face arrest), 200 Christians from the Biblemode Youth Philippines marched through Manila calling for the cancellation of Gaga's (sold out) concerts. They pressured the singer-songwriter to‘respect our faith, stop the blasphemy’, as they took particular offence to her song ‘Judas’ which they say ‘mocks Jesus Christ’. The Philippine Government banned any nudity or vulgar acts but allowed the two concerts on Monday and Tuesday night to continue ahead as planned.
Gaga, in true form, despite threats that she could be banned or arrested if she does perform the song in question, performed it anyway. She has been quoted to say ‘I’m not a creature of your government, Manila,’ before beginning the first verse of the song. In the Philippines, people can be arrested and sentenced for up to 6 years in jail for offending race and religion.
Gaga tweeted
This is similar to South Korea who banned persons under the age of 18 from attending the concert because of provocative lyrics and costumes.
She has also tweeted that "The Jakarta situation is 2-fold: Indonesian authorities demand I censor the show & religious extremist separately, are threatening violence".

Well surely everyone knew that you were insane (in a good way) before you said you were coming to their country. Everyone has seen the things you wear, the crazy things you do and the weirdness of your film clips and, for me, that ridiculousness and weirdness is what I like about you. If you want Lady Gaga you have to take all of Lady Gaga. You can't take a fish out of water and expect it live. So you can't take the weirdness away from Gaga and expect her to be okay with that. You get what you signed on for. And no one said that the Christians had to go to her concert, you can stay outside if you want and light some candles but you can't stop other people from doing what they want. If people want to see Gaga, then they are going to regardless of a few hundred people telling a poor woman to go to hell. It isn't nice to tell someone to go to hell whether they believe in hell or not.
It's also not nice to mock someone else's religion but I don't think that Gaga planned it that way, especially when she is a Christian (albeit a very liberal one) herself. I don't think people should take the lyrics to literally, especially when it's a pop song. Just saying.
Latest update (which was a few days ago now), Gaga cancelled her concert in Jakarta due to safety concerns. According to Radio Australia, the most violent objections came from the Islamic Defenders Front or FPI. They threatened to send 30,000 of their members to physically prevent Gaga from entering the country In their opinion Gaga, is a porn artist and an emissary of Satan and that if her concert was allowed to be played, she would corrupt their youth.Wow. That's a bit harsh isn't it? Also pretty scary as I heard that members of their group bought tickets to her concer,t just to get in as their plan was to violently stop the show. It has been said that Gaga cancelled the show with concern for her fans as she didn't want any of the audience to get hurt. Full refund for the tickets has been offered.
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