Loki, an exiled Norse god, brother of Thor, comes to earth and steals the Tesseract, a cube of pure energy found when Captain America was pulled from the ice, from S.H.I.E.L.D, an international peace keeping agency, led by Nick Fury. Fury brings together a team of superhumans (Ironman, the Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye) and creates the Avengers Initiative to save the earth from Loki and his army.
This film has outrageous action sequences, awesomely choreographed fight scenes, great quality CGI and witty dialogue. You will be sitting in the theatre and the characters just whip out these hilarious one-liners and you find yourself in hysterics. I didn't expect this movie to be very funny but it was just that funny.

Ironman or Tony Stark is one character that really holds this movie together. He is also probably the most hilarious character too and Robert Downey Jr. revels in it. He knows this character having already had two movies and a third in production, and you can see that familiarity shine through, he is just comfortable.

I have never really liked Scarlett Johansson as an actor and this film is probably the closest I will get to liking her just because her character, Natasha Romanoff a.k.a Black Widow, is so cool and majorly kick-ass.

Mark Ruffalo brings new insight into the big, angry green guy, the Hulk or Bruce Banner. He is probably the best Hulk out of the three. Erik Banner was okay but that movie was so boring and Edward Norton was okay as well and the movie was a little better but Mark Ruffalo seems to have something that the others were missing and does a really good job.

Chris Evans as Captain America or Steve Rogers (looks really good in his tights) is also making a come back to the role and as he is supposed to be from the 1940s, its hilarious to watch him when not understand things and information that we take for granted, like who Stephen Hawking is (but he does seem to be ok with some of the new fandangled technology, like the inner workings of the big, invisible, flying base that S.H.I.E.L.D has)

Thor (Chris Hemsworth) has a voice that sounds like Heath Ledger's that I could happily listen to all day. He has lovely blond hair and in a particularly tense scene he gets to be in a field of yellow flowers.

Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury is a bad-ass and really pulls off the eye patch. I don't really know how hw is all that special but it doesn't matter because he is such a boss character.

And last but not least Tom Hiddleston, Loki, is great as the bad guy. His face is perfect for looking completely insane but calm and serene at the same time. Exactly what you need in a villain.
Put all these characters together and you have a movie that is worth millions, well billions. It is still packing out cinemas and I should know, I work at a cinema and the cinemas playing The Avengers is always the worst to clean because it is so full of people and for some reason people can't seem to keep popcorn restricted to just their mouth and the popcorn box. They have this ridiculous tendency to get it all over their seats and the floor and make it really annoying to have to clean. But it has also become the most successful movie to date, setting multiple box office records. Just check this out Avengers - BBC News
In an interview with Ellen Degeneres, Robert Downey Jr. and Scarlett Johansson were talking about who had the most uncomfortable and hard to wear costume. The final verdict was that the Ironman costume was indeed the worst to wear. Downey was saying that he was told that if he fell that he couldn't put his hands out to break his fall as his arms would break. The suit would be fine though, he would just have shattered bones within it and apparently this happened to one of the stunt doubles.
Also Loki's head piece apparently weighed around 20 pounds or just over 9kgs. Imagine having to walk around with that thing on, especially with those big horn type things sticking out of the helmet. It's a ridiculous outfit really but then he is a Norse god so I guess he can wear what he likes, especially when he is stark crazy and wants to take over the world.

Surely everyone has seen The Avengers by now but if not, you really should. It's so good I saw it twice and I would even consider seeing it again.
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