
Sunday 13 May 2012

Margaret and David

At the Movies 

Margaret and David are brilliant. I love hearing their opinions about different films and getting to see the interviews with different directors and actors and I also really like getting to hear about foreign films. Most of the time foreign films have limited releases over here and most of the time they only play in art house theatres and not the main cinemas. They are such a good team and whilst they may disagree a lot, it makes it a better show. Watching them argue is half the fun. If they don't disagree on a movie, even they find it strange and wonder what's happening to the world. Apparently Margaret got complaints about not letting David speak because there are many times in their arguments that Margaret gets that annoyed that she just doesn't want to hear what David has to say. These could be my favourite episodes. They are so funny and it just shows how passionate they are about their work and about film in general. They love what they are doing and you can see it and that's great to watch.
Also, Margaret's laugh is the best thing I have ever heard. It's this weird squeak type laugh but then she has quite a husky voice. And David has such a conservative view of things most of the time but then he can turn around and surprise you. They must be the best of friends. How would you be able to continue a show like this if you weren't. I heard on Triple J once that one of the artists they were interviewing on the radio was in the elevator with Margaret and David and they were thick as thieves, talking constantly and bickering, barely noticing that there were other people in the lift. The band was pretty famous but they said that they felt dwarfed by these two great movie buffs.
For their 25th year anniversary, Geoffrey Rush and Cate Blanchett reviewed Margaret and David whilst acting as Margaret and David, if that makes sense. They capture Margaret and David perfectly. In their hand movements, the way they sit and readjust themselves in their chairs and even their tone of voice. It's so good. If you didn't see it or don't believe me, then this is deffinitely worth watching.

And just a side note; Margaret Pomeranz has admitted that she is a Buffy fan. On national TV, whilst reviewing The Avengers, she admitted that she liked Buffy: the Vampire Slayer. Well actually to put it in her words; "I hate to admit it but I was a Buffy fan." You don't have to hate admitting that Margaret. Don't fight it, embrace it. It's a good show.

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