
Thursday 17 May 2012

Just plain stupid

Let me just take a moment to rage at this girl. I found this article on; school fails to get student into law degree, and it made me very angry.
This girl has decided to sue her school after she failed to get good enough grades to get into law at the University of Sydney. Her and her mother claim that the school knew she was gifted and that she needed help with maths but didn't help her. I don't know what type of school Geelong is, but at me school, if you were struggling then it was up to YOU and not the school to get extra help. It was up to you to approach teachers to get them to explain in more deatil or to get extra questions or activities or even to just get them to sit down with you and go through a few questions or something. I find it ridiculous that these two women have decided that it's the school's fault.
In the article it says that the school did acknowledge that the girl was smart but they also said that she was disorganised and didn't get her work done. They also said that she missed classes and that she got glandular fever and didn't come back to school aftershe had recovered, even though the school had tried to contact her to get her to come back. And absences are something that a school has records of.
It also says that her score was good enough for her to study at other universities, just not the University of Sydney. She still could have studied law. And any normal person, if they really wanted to do something that badly, would find a way to get where they wanted to be. Do a different degree and work towards your goal.
This is just ridiculous. I couldn't believe what I was reading.

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