
Tuesday 9 October 2012

Marieke Hardy - A quiet word just between us dames

I thought I loved Marieke Hardy but then I read her latest post on her blog and I found out that I love her even more. If you were a little unsure of your love for her, or thought you couldn't love her more then I think that you will find that this blog will tip you over the edge and you will worship the ground she walks on. That is probably a little over the top but you know what I am getting at.

If you are a man or woman, boy or girl. or other, that believes in equality, free speech, gay rights, the arts, or you are just a decent human being, in other words, if you are not a Tony Abbott fan then, good citizen, I think this blog will be most amusing for you.

Margie Abbott, you have an interesting view of things...

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