
Tuesday 25 September 2012

Hard Candy

No I am not actually going to write about lollies (sweets/candy). I mean lollies are awesome, don't get me wrong I love lollies but why would you talk about hard ones when gummy lollies are a million times better. I'm just saying.

Hard Candy is unlike anything you have ever seen. Unless you have seen it...cause then it would be exactly like the first time you saw it...

This film begins with a 14 year old girl, Hayley talking to a man on the internet, Jeff, who is 18 years her senior and a photographer. They meet up at a cafe where Hayley suggests that they should go back to Jeff's house. It's scary. You worry for this poor young girl and you hate her stupidity. Everyone has heard the stories and I bet you think you could guess where the story goes from here. But that would be falling into the trap that this movie wants you to fall in. Do not jump to conclusions.

Once at the house, Hayley spikes Jeff's drink. From there you no longer worry for her as she can take care of herself. Just watch her go.

It inverts everything. Well maybe not everything but messes with you. The movie is one step ahead of you the whole time and it really takes pleasure in that fact. It just laughs at you the entire time and doesn't let you in on the joke which is pretty brilliant. This is one clever film.

I was glued to the screen, at the edge of my seat. Well actually I wasn't. I was sitting on the couch with my knees pulled into my chest because it was all too much for me to handle. I had to revert to the fetal position. I couldn't cope. But then I would find something really exciting and spring up only to slowly pull my legs in again. 

This is also an Ellen Paige that you probably have never seen before. Forget Juno. You have been warned.

The set is so small and closed in and almost claustrophobic and it's perfect for the cat and mouse game that is played out. Really the whole movie gives you this claustrophobic feel. It's really off putting but at the same time works so well. There are only two real characters (Sandra Oh makes a 5 second appearance but that doesn't really count) and there are only about three locations where the film is shot but two of the locations are only used for a few minutes each. And the main location is in a house. Confined to rooms. And it's hectic. It's disconcerting. It's not gruesome, it doesn't need to be. It's all in the complexity. It leaves you with questions and if you are like me, then you will need a little time to digest.

If you haven't seen this and you are into films that can completely mess with your mind then watch this. I guarantee that this one will blow you away. If it doesn't then I don't know what to do. My guarantee is worth nothing. But my word. I like to think that my word has value. (Please be blown away by it)

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