
Wednesday 25 July 2012

Some maybe-not-so-well-known news for today

Whilst on the train, enjoying my mX newspaper I read,an small article about the death of a Nigerian man who had six wives. Whilst he was having sex with his sixth wife the five other sex-starved wives came into the room with a variety of weapons and set upon him, demanding that he have sex with them too. After having sex with the fourth consecutive wife, he stopped breathing and died as the fifth wife made her way to his bed. Wow. Death by over sex. Who would have known?

In the same newspaper (which isn't very big mind you), there was an article about a Chinese man who told police that thieves had broken into his house and stolen none other than his penis. The thieves broke into his room whilst he was asleep, put a bag over his head and chopped off his penis. Apparently he had been having affairs with a few different women from his town and at least one of them wasn't very happy about him sleeping with other women. Must not have properly defined the relationship. He thought it was open and she thought he would do better without his genitals...

And in the same newspaper, a team of 18 police officers in Shandong took 40 minutes to rescue a drowning woman from a river only to find that the woman was in fact a sex doll. By the time they completed their heroic work they had a crowd of over 1000 people.

These stories are the reason that I love mX so much. May it forever stay in print!

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