
Sunday 22 July 2012

A ridiciulous, senseless act of violence

This is why people should not be allowed to carry guns.

If their purpose is for protection then my question is; what was so life threatening about a cinema full of innocent civilians who wanted to watch the newest Batman film that this man had to shoot everyone?

How many more of these type of shootings have to happen before the US will realise that they must get rid of their "right" to bear arms. It's outdated. The law needs to be changed. The world and the people living in it don't run like they used to a few hundred years ago. How many more innocent people have to die because people like this are able to buy weapons so easily?

I can't understand why someone would do a thing like this.

Christopher Nolan has said that he was devastated by the attack; "I believe movies are one of the great American art forms and the shared experience of watching a story unfold on screen is an important and joyful pastime. The movie theater is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me."

And this is how I feel. The cinema isn't quite my home but I do love going. Movies give you an opportunity to get lost in a different world. For 2-3 hours you get to sit in a dark room with strangers and forget about the rest of the world and completely lose yourself in the pictures playing on the screen. It's almost a sacred place and the fact that someone decided to destory that peace is harrowing.

The poor victims won't ever be able to go to the cinema or watch anything with Batman in it again without being haunted by what happened that night. The release of Batman should have been a celebration and a time of rejoice and excitement not a time of vigils and heartbreak. 

My heart goes out to those in the city Aurora. I wish that they did not have to feel so much pain over this senseless act of violence.

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