
Monday 23 July 2012

Man of Steel

During my second viewing of the new Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, they played the new Superman trailer!! It is just so exciting. It looks quite dark (quite like the new Batman films actually) and you can really see they are taking a completely new angle with this film. They have changed the symbol and they are obviously trying to steer as far as they can away from Superman Returns. People like to disown that movie, pretend it doesn't exist. Fair enough, it wasn't all that great but it was still Superman.

It was such a surprise to see it, especially as I had tried to find this trailer just a few weeks earlier but to no avail. I found many fan-made trailers where people had ripped random shots from other movies to make their own Man of Steel trailer. They fooled me everytime. Good one youtube, anyone can add an 'official' to the title of their video.

Also, not only is Superman taking on a more serious look film wise and with the revamped symbol, but it seems that he is no longer going to wear his red underwear on the outside of his costume. Interesting. I haven't actually seen a proper picture of the new outfit but I don't know how I feel about Superman not having his undies. It doesn't seem right. But then wearing your underwear on the outside of your clothes shouldn't seem right anyway, should it? But then again, he does look good..

Anyway, the point is that it looks promising. There has been two teaser trailers released. Both are more or less identical except for the voice overs by the two fathers of Superman. Russell Crowe as Jor-El imparts some words of wisdom;
"You will give the people an ideal to strive towards. They'll rise behind you. They will stumble. They will fall. In time, they will join you in the sun. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders." 
 And Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent follows suit in the other trailer;
"You're not just anyone. One day, you're going to have to make a choice. You'll have to decide what kind of man you want to grow up to be. Whoever that man is, good character or bad, is going to change the world."
The voice overs are accompanied by some very good looking cinematography of (a very pretty) Henry Cavill working as a fisherman and of Clark when he is a kid, running around with a red cape on. Some very Lord of the Rings-y sounding music also plays. Then right at the end, Superman is flying up through the clouds, creating his own jet stream. It's brilliant!

So here it is, the Kevin Costner trailer;

And the Russell Crowe trailer;

I cannot wait.

(What I forgot to mention was that they have cast Amy Adams as Lois Lane. Now don't get me wrong, I like Amy Adams as an actor but do I like her as Lois Lane? I can tell you that they definitely miscast Kate Bosworth as Lois in Superman Returns so can Adams do this character justice?)

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