
Sunday 10 June 2012

Reflecting all that was JOUR1111

What can I say about this course?
Well, first off, it was a lot of fun. The lectures were always interactive and entertaining (especially at the expense of Kiwis). I always enjoyed going to the tutorials as there was always good stuff to learn and fun things to do. I would probably never have started a blog without this course and I am so glad that I have. This blog thing is fun.

Some of the subjects that were touched on during the course were quite dry and information based but they were handled in a way that the subject was easily understood and retained (the blogging each lecture also helped with retaining the necessary information).

This course has a good overall knowledge of journalism and communications. It offered a great base of knowledge to get wach budding journalism student a good start to their course and studies. And it's even better  for those that actually want to head in a journalistic direction, especailly with the changing of the journalism world and the way everyone receives news.

If people miss out on this course then they are missing out on quite a lot of quality information that could help them regardless of what career they choose in the future.

I don't really know what I want to achieve in my career or where it will lead but I think this course has been a good start for what is to come.

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