Something seems to be going wrong in Hollywood lately. Have you seen the movies that have been coming out? (Avengers aside) Most of them are just sequels/prequels and then there are remakes and re-releases (
Titanic and all the Disney movies and old classics).

We started the year (or ended it) with that awful piece of crap
New Years Eve brought to you by the same people that made that other atrocity,
Valentine's Day. That was the worst piece of film making that I think it is humanly possible to make. There are awards for bad films and this one is definitely up there for the first prize. Marc Fennell (that movie guy) was definitely right about this one. Hollywood think we are stupid. They chuck a whole bunch of famous/ semi-famous people in a movie, forget about a plot and film the thing in a day piece it together as best they can and release it and release the public of their money.

Then there was
Project X, I have never hated a movie more. It glorified that Corey kid and his party in Melbourne and had young kids wanting to be at a party like that. The amount of kids under 15 (the movie was rated MA15+) that tried or succeeded in getting into that movie was ridiculous. And, although the cinematography and editing and the like weren't all that bad, it was a painful movie to sit through as all it was, was basically shots of slutty dancing to Pop songs.
Underworld 4. Although I was a fan of the first movie, I do not like any of the sequels/prequels. They didn't really need to make another Underworld and now it looks like they have set the stage for another one. But saying this, this was an okay sequel. Number 2 was pretty crappy and the prequel was 2 hours of my life that I will never get back.
One for the Money. I never saw this film and I do not believe that I ever will unless I am captured by some unknown enemy and part of my torture is being made to watch this film. And that goes for
This Means War as well. Again I never saw it but it looked like a very sad excuse for a movie.

Then there is
The Lucky One and you know how I feel about that. And
The Vow (again, haven't seen it) but it looks like it is exactly the same as
The Lucky One so there will never be a need for me to watch it.
Battleship. Rhiana is in it. That's all I need to say.

I thought that
Dark Shadows had some promise. It's true that from the trailers it looked pretty awful. BUt I had hope because it was Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. It was an okay movie. Whilst sitting and watching it I quite enjoyed it but thinnking back, it was pretty insulting. We have seen Burton do so much better. He may not have written the script but that doesn't mean he doesn't have any say in it how the movie plays out. None of the characters were ever really developed. It mentioned characters and then forgot about them for the rest of the movie and just added them in right at the end. None of the characters were given any real cause for doing what they did. They were just there. It just seemed like no real effort was put in this which is sad.

And then we get to movies like
What to Expect When You're Expecting. It's based on a pregnancy manual! It does a few laughs and Elizabeth Banks is pretty hilarious but it's really not all that worth it. Jennifer Lopez can't act, I am not a fan of Cameron Diaz. The only good thing she ever did was
Shrek (that was a good movie and part of the reason Cameron Diaz is good in it is because you can't actually see her). And who asked that man from Glee to be in anything other than Glee? He should really stay on TV and get off the cinema screen. But Chris Rock is cool. He can stay.
Just as a side note. I only paid to see these movies because I work at the cinema and it doesn't cost me very much to go and see these things and it gives me an education of what's good and what's not.
Now I am not saying that all the movies released this year are crap because that certainly isn't true.
The Muppets was brilliant,
The Grey was good,
Man on a Ledge even had something to offer.
Chronicle was pretty interesting and
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close was a nice film.
21 Jump Street was hilarious and I am told that
The Hunger Games was really good. AND
The Avengers of course.
But then you read what is coming soon; another Adam Sandler movie, another Bourne
movie (it could be good, I just don't think it will be), another
Madagascar, another
Ice Age and something called
Magic Mike that looks like it is just a movie about Channing Tatum stripping in front of a camera. Oh dear.
But there is also lots to look forward to like
Prometheus, Brave, Batman the Dark Knight Rises, The Amazing Spiderman (maybe),
The Perks of Being a Wallflower and of course THE HOBBIT!! Which looks ridiculously amazing. So maybe I should stop bitching...
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