
Friday 22 June 2012

A car chase in QLD?

In the early hours of this morning, my family and I were driving back from the airport after seeing my sister off to China. At the Mobil near Wild Horse Mountain, the police had set up a road block were they were pulling everyone over for Random Breath Testing. When we pulled up the police were all talking about "another stolen car" and seemed quite distracted from the RBT that they were supposed to be getting my brother to complete. Then this white car pulls up and then begins to speed back onto the highway. One of the officers actually fired some shots at the car. Crazy! At the time I had no idea what was going on and the sound from the "service arm" as one article calls it, just sounded like these pops. I always expected a gun to be louder I guess.

And then a police car followed suit and the car chase began. It may have been abot 12:45 or later in the morning and I may have been getting quite sleepy but after that I was wide awake and as excited as some of the police that were on scene. I don't know if I was really supposed to ask, but I asked the policewoman how many stolen cars there had been if this was just "another". She said a few. Which didn't really satisfy my curiosity but at least she answered me. Turns out there were two other cars before this one.

So the policewoman told us to drive safely and have a good night. Almost the whole way back I was just wondering where the car had got to. Whether it had kept going along the highway or tried to turn off at one of the little side roads that come off the Bruce Highway. Right when I had just about given up hope of seeing how the car chase had turned out, just near the Landsborough exit, there was the white, stolen vehicle. It had run off the road and was a lot worse for wear in the long grass between the roads. The police car was sitting up on the road, completely intact and probably arresting the people responsible.

What a night. Then this morning I wake up and find the police article about the chase and find that the people from the car, after crashing it had tried to make a run for it and had been aprehended by the police with the aid of their police dogs. The people one of the other stolen cars had also been found when they had turned around and attempted to head back in the direction of Brisbane.

For those of you who want to read a more scholarly article and not my babbling go here; police-incident-glasshouse-mountains

Okay so it wasn't quite like this. (Or maybe it was.) I really only got to see the beginning and the end of it. It was still really exciting though. Never thought I would ever see a car chase in real life, or even be witness to a shooting (and it counts as a shooting because shots were fired).

And I just found another article from the Sunshine Coast Daily, police-shoot-stolen-vehicle

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