
Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Whedon on Romney

Could this man get any better?
I mean he created some of the best TV shows that exist today. Firefly. Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  Do I really need to say anymore?
He wrote and directed one of the most successful movies of the year. The Avengers.
He is a feminist (although apparently some women have problems with this).

He is so awesome and just when you thought that he couldn't get any better, he comes out with this video.

Joss Whedon. You are my hero. 

Monday, 29 October 2012

The Kiss that Divided a Nation (and was an inspiration to others)

These girls are my heroes.

They should be an inspiration for everyone.

Read the article here : A gesture of solidarity: The French kiss that divided a nation

I cannot believe that the slogan for these people (if I can even call them people) is "one mother, one father, we don’t lie to children". This is outrageous. They are lying to their children. They are lying to their children because they are telling them who they can and cannot fall in love with. In my opinion, their behaviour is the most shocking. Does anyone see any violence in this kiss?

I think some people need to change their outlook on life. Loving someone from the same sex is a natural thing, otherwise, people wouldn't fall in love with them.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Wuthering Heights

I just went and saw a movie on my own, for the first time in my life. Not too bad. When I arrived at the cinema I thought that I was going to be the only one in there, so I would really be alone but there turned out to be 3 others and they were all on their own too.

The film I saw was Andrea Arnold's adaptation of Wuthering Heights. With any adaptation, you always have your reservations. "Are they going to do the story justice? Will they get the characters right? Will they be true to the book?" These questions and ones like it are always going to swirl around in peoples' heads if they have read the book before seeing the movie version. Someone who wants to make a movie out of a book is always going to have trouble pleasing everyone. They are doomed to have haters from the start. That is just fact. They will probably want to reinvent the story or add this or add that which will annoy the purists or they won't do it different enough for those that don't want to see an exact reconstruction of the book. It is always bound to be a hard gig but people seem to want to do it anyway.

I went to this picture with an open mind and at the beginning I was really loving it. It was an interesting way to adapt the book and it worked really well. For such a haunting and emotional story, the lengthy wilderness scenes, the focus on the weather to portray the emotions that the characters are feeling and the minimal dialogue that meant heavy reliance on such scenes was really working for me. Also casting Heathcliff as a black man was really fitting. He really captured the mood of the story in his shots.

I was really getting into it when the last half of the movie came. Well I should say the last third because the part where Heathcliff and Cathrine are kids took up most of the movie. It was then I realised that the beginning was far too long and the ending seemed really rushed. And I don't think that this is the kind of story where you can rush the ending. The ending is very important. It's when you realise just how connected these two characters are and how much they hurt each other by continuing to be a part.

I don't remember specific lines or actions from the book, I mean I barely remembered the narrative, but the one thing that has stayed with me over the years is the mood and the feeling of that book. I really thought that this film was killing it but then, they actually did kill it.

I realised that the older characters where miscast. Older Heathcliff (James Howson), for me, was not able to portray the wildness and deep seated anger that he holds so close to his heart that the Heathcliff in the book had. Howson seemed to try to play this character with a lot of Jane-Austin-Mr-Darcy-like brooding and then violence. These things don't fit together all that well. I feel that Heathcliff needs to be constantly struggling to keep himself together and keep from lashing out at people, not just every now and then. Arnold chose to cast non-actors or at least actors with minimal experience and for the older characters, this was something that was off putting for me. I didn't really get a sense of the emotion but got distracted at times by thoughts running through my head of soap opera actors and over-the-top acting. That being said, I don't think that Kaya Scodelario had much of a chance to show her potential and I was mostly happy with her scenes. But I am not saying the actors were awful, far from it. Their performances for the most part were really good but when the time came for these really emotional parts, I was already a little out of sorts with the rushed ending and the increase in dialogue from first half to second half, and didn't quite buy them.

And the younger Cathrine and Heathcliff actors were brilliant. I really enjoyed their performances and was pretty thoroughly convinced with their portrayal of the characters and emotions. Solomon Grave (the younger Heathcliff) was brilliant and really nailed the pain and anger that his character has and Shannon Beer (as young Cathrine) was fairly solid in her part as well.

I mean look at that face.
Oh and Arnold chucks a random Mumford & Sons song right at the end. And this is not a song that plays during the last shot and then cue credits. No. This is song plays over a scene that we have previously seen in the earlier part of the movie and then plays during credits. For a movie that has no underscore and the only music you hear plays for about two bars before it cuts as they change to a new scene, putting a song by Mumford & Sons seems like an odd choice. True it might not be one of their most famous songs, nor does it feature on either of their albums but Marcus Mumford has a very distinct voice and you could recognise it no matter what movie it is being played in.

Maybe I am just being picky.

I think that Andrea Arnold began this project beautifully but I feel like she didn't quite commit 100% to it because parts didn't quite sit right. I think the ending was rushed and that meant that she lost that mood and the feeling of haunted love and connection that the Heathcliff and Cathrine have. I mean these two love each other so much that they have to hurt each other and cause the other as much pain as possible AND they haunt each other from beyond the grave just to really prove their love.

It was probably the best adaptation of this story that I have seen but for me, it was still missing something. If you love the Brönte sisters and their weird, twisted love stories then this is a very interesting way to see Emily's novel. It's good, I just wanted it to be better.

BUT the cinematography by Robbie Ryan is AMAZING. It is so pretty and beautifully shot (maybe at times there were a few too many racking focus shots). Really I could have watched shots of those beautiful moors all day. What lovely countryside and so well captured.

And if you wanted to check out the Mumford & Sons song (because it is a good song I just didn't fit with the film) then here it is;

Thursday, 11 October 2012

One Billion Rising

One Billion Rising.
This February join one billion women and those who love them and me to WALK OUT, DANCE, RISE UP and DEMAND. If one is confronted by an awful situation, then one must dance. Dance out the emotion, dance out the memories and dance to freedom.

V-Day is one of the most well respected and highest rated organisations and was created with the seemingly simple goal of ending violence against women. This coming Valentine's day and every Valentine's day until the violence ends, men, women, children (and other) should come and join together and dance. Dance because that is the best way to rise, the best way for a revolution. This is a global strike and a chance for everyone to stand up against rape and rape culture, stand up against violence and violence against the world's women. This is power in numbers, a new time for acceptance and new way of living and being. This is not a one off thing, this is a foundation of people that will continue to rise until the end of rape and violence.


So head to the website, find out the details and find a rising near you. Rally the people around you and stand up for a cause worth dancing for, that's worth a revolution. Head to this website for more information and to join  >> One Billion Rising.

What a great revolution. To dance. Who doesn't love to dance? Sure it can be embarrassing. Sure it can be awkward. But it makes you feel so good. If you say you can't dance then I beg to differ with you there. Everyone can dance. According to Wicked (the best musical on this earth - I haven't seen Matilda yet),  you should dance through life. You should also defy gravity but let's take it one step at a time. We don't all have a flying broom. Get out there and join your fellow man. Change the world through movement.

I mean do you really have anything better to do on one of the most annoying days of the year? Even if you think you have something better to do, you really don't. What could be more important than standing up for what is right? If you still aren't convinced to join this more than worthy cause, then do it to rebel against that awful, atrocious, abomination of a movie that they call Valentine's Day.

Do it because you can.

Clare Bowditch

If you want to read some inspiring words then you need look no further than this article on Mamamia's blog which is an interview with Clare Bowditch.

If you don't know who Clare Bowditch then you are missing out because she is an amazing woman. She is an Australian singer/song writer and also actress nowadays. She has a beautiful voice and her music has won her an ARIA (an Australian music award). She is an inspiring woman and I get to see her in concert! Really soon!

She has started something called The Winter Happiness Summit in which she talks to other amazing people, Missy Higgins and Gotye included. If you want to check these interviews out then head to this website; Winter Happiness Summit. The password for the site is youmakemehappy. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Marieke Hardy - A quiet word just between us dames

I thought I loved Marieke Hardy but then I read her latest post on her blog and I found out that I love her even more. If you were a little unsure of your love for her, or thought you couldn't love her more then I think that you will find that this blog will tip you over the edge and you will worship the ground she walks on. That is probably a little over the top but you know what I am getting at.

If you are a man or woman, boy or girl. or other, that believes in equality, free speech, gay rights, the arts, or you are just a decent human being, in other words, if you are not a Tony Abbott fan then, good citizen, I think this blog will be most amusing for you.

Margie Abbott, you have an interesting view of things...