
Wednesday 29 August 2012

HISHE for she and he.

Have you ever wanted a movie to end differently to the way that it did? Ever wanted to have Superman and Batman chilling in a coffee house chatting about life and being bosses? Well if this is true of you then you need to watch the videos made by HISHE.

They are cartoon realisations of how the creators of this video series thought certain movies should have played out. It's worth checking out and they have something for everybody. (It's true, they don't really cover romantic comedies but then why would you, they all end the same anyway so there isn't any point.)

Ever thought that there were a few problems in the new Batman film that didn't quite sit right with you? Thought that some things in the film were not quite believable and that the ending should have played out a little differently?

Not only are the alternative endings funny and entertaining, but they also look good with the cartoon style that they have gone with and, for people really interested in the creation side of things, there are little videos showing the creation of the cartoon characters like that of  Catwoman. These people are brilliant.

And even if you don't care how these movies ended or if you thought that the movie was very well done, it's still worth checking them out. Even just the superhero ones to see Batman and Superman chatting. It's well worth it just for the scenes with these two in it.

Check them out.

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